Pre-requites checklist for Organizational Agility

Are you ready to start your journey of implementing agility within your organization? How do you know that you are really ready for this?

Many organizations are actually not really ready for their agile journey for various reasons. As result, most agile transformations fail.

Luckily, Simon Powers and I, have spent considerable time putting together a list of all the things that we have seen organizations fail at!

We then turned this into a positive list of prerequisites that you can check off to make sure you don’t end up in the same situation.

You can download the list here for FREE!

You can watch our original webinar introducing the topic here, also for free:

And finally we have just launched a new free video series going into much more depth on the prerequisites and you can watch the first one (again for free) here:

The second one here:

We have created a playlist for the entire video series:

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