
Agile is …

An Agile organization can learn by itself and adapt quickly, in a synchronized way considering new information about their users

Agile is not a “Silver Bullet” …

But it helps to improve transparency, identify problems earlier, enables you to ask yourself tough questions so that you can better to learn from failure, continuously improve and discover better ways to enlighten your customers and deliver better value to them – while helping your team and you to be excited about and proud of your work.

How to become an Agile Organization – or else fail.

An Agile organization can learn by itself and adapt quickly, in a synchronized way considering new information from their users, customers, the market, its ecosystem, etc. to maximize the timely delivery of value to customers. The better the organization manages to do this, the more agile they are.

When you find yourself in a hole – stop digging.

If you don’t like the results of your software product delivery, we encourage exploring how to change the way of working systematically. Specifically, be ready to invest dedicated energy and capacity into improving the capability of your organization to deliver customer value.
Make continuous and systematic work on improving the system and measuring its progress part of your regular business as much as working within the system to deliver customer value.